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Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda
11 may 202216 Min. de lectura
360º on is a news media website in Spanish founded in November 2012. It is edited by Diario de Prensa Digital, S. L, along with a...
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Raquel Rubio Guilabert
10 may 20222 Min. de lectura
The importance of audiovisual
Audiovisual is fundamental. Its importance is in the fact that thanks to technology it is easier to understand a message through audio...
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Marina Bocero Guerrero
6 abr 20225 Min. de lectura
Oscar López: "It is preferable to sacrifice immediacy for more quality and veracity".
Marina Bocero Guerrero The transition from traditional newspapers to digital media was a before and after in the world of journalism. The...
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Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda
6 abr 20225 Min. de lectura
Celia López:"Not everyone can do online journalism"
Celia López gives to DailyView some thought-provoking reflections on online journalism.
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María Águila Albendea
5 abr 20222 Min. de lectura
Víctor Diéguez:"I am a bridge between traditional journalism and young people through social media"
Víctor Diéguez: Times are changing and so is journalism, but how to deal with the online media and the traditional journalism?
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Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda
2 mar 20222 Min. de lectura
My Three Media Outlets
Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda When being a journalist, a communicator, is not only essential to inform citizens correctly, but also doing a...
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Raquel Rubio Guilabert
1 mar 20221 Min. de lectura
Top Three Media Outlets
Raquel Rubio Guilabert Reading a newspaper provides the opportunity to obtain information and learn about a specialised subject, which,...
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Marina Bocero Guerrero
1 mar 20222 Min. de lectura
Top Three Media Outlets
Marina Bocero Guerrero The journalist's work goes through many stages, among them that of informing and communicating. But, before...
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Jimena Muñoz Moreno
1 mar 20221 Min. de lectura
Newspaper daily set
In journalism, it’s important to read different media to be able to contrast the information and achieve your own ideas. In all places,...
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Laura Fernandez Prieto
1 mar 20221 Min. de lectura
Newspaper daily set
When reading news, it is very important to consult different media that provide different perspectives in order to enrich the reader from...
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Lucía Calero Crespo
1 mar 20221 Min. de lectura
3 media in a row: What do we consume?
I Let's start from the beginning. Spain has a clear leader in communication, as far as newspapers are concerned. This is El País, founded...
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María Águila Albendea
1 mar 20222 Min. de lectura
My daily set of newspapers
As future journalist, we must be, continuously, into the last news, especially in these days in which the war is constantly changing and...
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Raquel Rubio Guilabert
16 feb 20221 Min. de lectura
Online Journalism
I am Raquel Rubio, journalism student. It is clear that with the Internet, the journalist gained tools in a new means of communication...
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Marina Bocero Guerrero
16 feb 20222 Min. de lectura
The new era of journalism
Marina Bocero Guerrero Evolution. A single word can imply great things. Good or bad, but great. Journalism has been caught up in this...
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Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda
16 feb 20221 Min. de lectura
Online Journalism is our future
Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda When I am asked about my future in journalism, it is impossible for me to imagine one not related with online...
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María Águila Albendea
16 feb 20222 Min. de lectura
Online journalism
My name is María Águila, I am a student and future (hopefully) journalist. When I say that, the question of “oh, in which field?” always...
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Jimena Muñoz Moreno
16 feb 20221 Min. de lectura
Online Journalism
Jimena Muñoz Online journalism could contribute to journalists in many different ways. It is not only about positive issues, but it can...
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Lucía Calero Crespo
16 feb 20221 Min. de lectura
Why does online journalism matter?
Lucía Calero Crespo Online journalism involves ethics, accuracy, credibility and news-gathering methods. Nevertheless, it has been...
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