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My daily set of newspapers

Foto del escritor: María Águila AlbendeaMaría Águila Albendea

As future journalist, we must be, continuously, into the last news, especially in these days in which the war is constantly changing and going on. We must be informed to inform others in the best way, that is why we must choose an accurate newspapers’ daily set.

As well as future journalists, we are young students who have almost born in the online reality, that is why our set is mostly in our own mobile phone or computer, which allows us to receive a continuous flow of news and breaking news, making it easier to be informed, vital for our role as future newsmen.

In my own daily set of newspapers, I combine not only national but international press. In the Hispanic field I have El Mundo and ABCapps, which send me constant notifications of the latest and breaking news. I have chosen these two because I think that fit better with my view on news, however, I consult El País very often, too.

In the international sphere, I have BILD app downloaded. It is one of the most read papers in Germany. I am studying this language, and I think that, reading news in this lingo will help me in my studies as it is something I enjoy doing.

However, in my Instagram account, I also follow Deutsche Welle or The New York Times for international perspectives.

Talking about perspectives, I think it is always a good idea to contrast as more different views as possible regarding the same news. It is not new that each newspaper carries out its own editorial, so we must always variate our newspapers’ grid in order to achieve the best future for journalism.


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