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Foto del escritorLucía Calero Crespo

Why does online journalism matter?

Lucía Calero Crespo

Online journalism involves ethics, accuracy, credibility and news-gathering methods. Nevertheless, it has been created as a new information gadget which leads journalists to spread news faster.

As this new tool has appeared, our duty as journalists is to take advantage of it as much as we can in order to apply it to our next works.

Journalism is supposed to be a vocational job which implies responsibility and professionalism, as it denotes important aspects of society.

Webs make news more interesting thanks to the interactivity and multimedia (videos, audios…) used in the pages. Online news organizations are increasingly optimistic about its future. I see this new tool as some upgrade we must take advantage of.

Personally, I knew I wanted to be a journalist since I was a child. I first thought of talking to the camera with the microphone and I really liked the idea, but as I grew up I also understood the responsibilities journalists have in society and the value of real information. I want to be a journalist to offer people real information and to create a more critical society, as our nowadays environment is full of fake news and misinformation. New journalists like us must be accurate and updated; online journalism is the perfect tool.


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