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Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda
11 may 202216 Min. de lectura
360º on is a news media website in Spanish founded in November 2012. It is edited by Diario de Prensa Digital, S. L, along with a...
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Marina Bocero Guerrero
6 abr 20225 Min. de lectura
Oscar López: "It is preferable to sacrifice immediacy for more quality and veracity".
Marina Bocero Guerrero The transition from traditional newspapers to digital media was a before and after in the world of journalism. The...
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Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda
2 mar 20222 Min. de lectura
My Three Media Outlets
Jaime Barrionuevo Pineda When being a journalist, a communicator, is not only essential to inform citizens correctly, but also doing a...
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Raquel Rubio Guilabert
1 mar 20221 Min. de lectura
Top Three Media Outlets
Raquel Rubio Guilabert Reading a newspaper provides the opportunity to obtain information and learn about a specialised subject, which,...
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